A little about the taxation of "expats".
Legal examination of the documents.
Legal examination of agreements and other corporate documents for compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the...
The concept of the state migration policy of the Russian Federation for 2019-2025.
Presidential Decree No. 622 of 31 October 2018 approved the Concept of the state migration policy of the Russian Federation for 2019 - 2025. The...
Our mission is to be a secure legal foothold for medium and large foreign businesses. Therefore we strive for being experts in every field of our practice and providing only qualitative services.
It is western corporate culture, familiar to our clients, that differs us from the others. Within this culture all our members keep the following principles.
Hinkels Law Firm unites only the best specialists in theirs spheres. Orienting easily in present-day changes of the legislation and effective practical methods, our experts solve the most difficult problems of our clients. It allows us to stay leaders in Russian legal market.
Ambish, determination on a constant development, aspiration for being the best – are the main qualities of our Firm.
Customer-oriented approach.
The base of the successful business development is establishing long and confidential relations with clients. Our clients willingly recommend us as the partners for a long-term cooperation.
Work standarts.
Adherence to modern methods of work allows us to achieve high results in short time.
We are always ready for cooperation. Our openness is based on a large experience in public activity and assurance in our competence