The consolidated plan of inspections of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for 2020.
The Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation and the Moscow City Prosecutor’s Office published a consolidated plan of inspections of...
Maintenance of the investment project in the Irkutsk region.
Legal examination of the documents.
The consolidated plan of inspections of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for 2020.
The Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation and the Moscow City Prosecutor’s Office published a consolidated plan of inspections of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for...
Arbitration process seminar with participation of the Secretary general of the Hong Kong international arbitration center (HKIAC) Sara Grimmer.
Hinkels` Managing Partner Mikhail Kuzmichev and Counselor of Litigation Practice, Attorney Mikhail Varjas attended an arbitration seminar with the Secretary General of the Hong Kong International...
Changes in the migration legislation, which came into force on January 1, 2018.
Migration registration
On January 1, 2018 the Administrative regulations of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia of November 23, 2017 N 881 on providing the state service in implementation of...
The concept of the state migration policy of the Russian Federation for 2019-2025.
Presidential Decree No. 622 of 31 October 2018 approved the Concept of the state migration policy of the Russian Federation for 2019 - 2025. The decree came into force from the moment of signing.
Maintenance of the investment project in the Irkutsk region.
The counsel of Hinkels Alexander Koltkov has acted as the consultant for support of the ambitious investment project in Irkutsk region. One of the leading companies of the Pacific Rim has chosen...
Legal examination of the documents.
Legal examination of agreements and other corporate documents for compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the identification of the disputed provisions, compliance with...
Supporting your business in Russia
At present, in connection with increase in inflow of foreign capital into Russia more often start to appear the questions how it is the most convenient for the foreign companies to start the...
A little about the taxation of "expats".
In Russia, as in many other countries, " Expatriates " (or abbreviated: " expats ") are foreign employees , who work abroad under the contract. Working in Russia, expats, under certain conditions,...
Legal examination of the documents.
Legal examination of agreements and other corporate documents for compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the identification of the disputed provisions, compliance with...