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Alam consulting

October 2024. Support of a trilateral agreement for the delivery of cargo in the interests of an Indian company.

Lawyers from the debt collection and contractual work practices of Hinkels Law Firm acted as legal consultants to the Indian company. 

    In violation of the contract, the...

June 28, 2024. International conference "Russia - China in the modern world: economy, culture, science and education." The organizer was the Russian-Chinese Chamber.

The event, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, launched the work of expert groups to deepen legal interaction between Russia and...

俄罗斯Hinkels Law Firm与中华盛恒律师事务所与签署战略合作协议。



1999 年盛恒律师事务所在中国东北区域政治、经济、文化和商业贸易中心辽宁省沈阳市乘

风启航。历经20 余年的不断发展,...

Russian-Chinese Round Table “Modern law of Russia and China: current problems and development prospects” at the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (department of jurisprudence).

On April 05, 2024, the managing partner of Hinkels, Mikhail Kuzmichev, made a presentation at the event: “Problems when carrying out business activities by a foreign citizen in Russia. Examples...

Exclusive distribution Foreign trade contract

Hinkels Law Firm acted as a consultant in the interests of a Russian client on the preparation of an exclusive distribution agreement with a foreign manufacturer. The agreement includes and...

International Conference "Development of international interregional trade, economic, investment cooperation and cooperation".

On October 12, 2023, the International Conference "Development of International Interregional Trade, Economic, Investment Cooperation and Cooperation" was held on the site of the Moscow Business...

Legal opinion on the issuer's report for the extension of the listing of Group A shares on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE)

Hinkels Law Firm acted as a consultant on the preparation of a legal opinion to the issuer's report for the extension of the listing of Group A shares on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE). The...

Support for the conclusion of a contract for a large Chinese manufacturing enterprise with a subsidiary of one of the leaders of the Russian oil and gas industry.

Gratitude to the Hinkels Law Firm as the responsible legal adviser for providing a range of services for verifying counterparties for our company and supporting the conclusion of a direct contract...

Webinar: “Foreign economic activity in new conditions".

On July 14, 2022, Mikhail Kuzmichev, Managing Partner of Hinkels Law Firm, took part in an online event on the development of foreign economic activity in the Russian Federation under political...

Presentation: "Features of counterparty verification for foreign buyers in the oilfield services industry".

On May 27, 2022, Hinkels Law Firm presented a report to the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry: "Features of counterparty verification for foreign buyers in the oilfield services industry."...

Round table: "Export to China: how to start selling with minimal risk."

On November 22, 2021, Mikhail Kuzmichev, Managing Partner of Hinkels Law Firm, took part in the round table "Export to China: how to start selling with minimal risk.".

The event took place in the...

Barça Academy Moscow

During our cooperation with the Hinkels Law Firm, we have become convinced of the high efficiency and quality of the services provided. A distinctive feature of the work is an integrated approach...

Advising Slovenian company Roni Nepremičnine

Hinkels Law Firm acts as a legal advisor to the Slovenian company Roni Nepremičnine, one of the largest real estate agencies. Roni Nepremičnine specializes in buying and selling, brokerage...

The supremacy of law of Eurasia in the framework of the “One Belt, One Way initiative”.

Hinkels` Managing Partner Mikhail Kuzmichev was one of the fifty participants who were selected to participate in the Webinar “The supremacy of law of Eurasia in the framework of the "One belt, one...

The exclusive competence of the courts of the Russian Federation on sanctions disputes.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Federal Law of June 8, 2020 G. N 171-FZ "On amending the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation in order to protect the rights of...

COVID-19. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the legal status of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation in connection with the threat of the further spread of a new coronavirus infection.

The President signed the Decree “On temporary measures to regulate the legal status of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation in connection with the threat of the further...

The Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation and the Moscow City Prosecutor’s Office published a consolidated plan of inspections of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for 2020.

The Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation and the Moscow City Prosecutor’s Office published a consolidated plan of inspections of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for...

The counsel of Hinkels Law Firm Alexander Koltkov spoke at the Eurasian Economic Congress.

During the event, Alexander Koltkov made an expert report on the topic “Legal issues of the most common violations at the start of the work of foreign companies in Russia".

The event took place on...

Arbitration process seminar with participation of the Secretary general of the Hong Kong international arbitration center (HKIAC) Sara Grimmer.

Hinkels` Managing Partner Mikhail Kuzmichev and Counselor of Litigation Practice, Attorney Mikhail Varjas attended an arbitration seminar with the Secretary General of the Hong Kong International...

Legal seminar for Chinese entrepreneurs at the Embassy of the people's Republic of China in the Russian Federation.

On March 22, 2019 Hinkels` Managing Partner Mikhail Kuzmichev took part in working meeting concerning legal implementation of activity of the Chinese entrepreneurs and investors in Russia.


New in the migration legislation. Obligations of the inviting party to control the purpose of entry and the dates of departure of a foreign nationals.

On January 16, 2019, Federal Law No. 215-ФЗ dated July 19, 201 “On Amending Article 18.9 of the Russian Code of Administrative Offences” entered into force.

The main change concerned the obligations...

Recognition of Section of Legal Work of the Union of the Chinese Entrepreneurs in Russia.

The Section of Legal Work of the Union of Chinese Entrepreneurs in Russia entered the TOP-10 organizations within the framework of legal cooperation for the implementation of the “One Belt, One...

Hinkels Law Firm is a service provider for the Trade Exchange Development Department of the Italian Embassy - Italian Trade Agency (ITA).

Hinkels Law Firm received the status of service provider of the department for the development of trade exchange of the Italian Embassy - Italian Trade Agency (ITA).

ITA is a government organization...

The concept of the state migration policy of the Russian Federation for 2019-2025.

Presidential Decree No. 622 of 31 October 2018 approved the Concept of the state migration policy of the Russian Federation for 2019 - 2025. The decree came into force from the moment of signing.


IV International Conference "Migration and International Law".

Specialists of the Hinkels Law Firm took part in the international conference "Migration and International Law" organized by the The Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), the International...

第五届论坛“印度 - 俄罗斯商务对话”。

11月19日在莫斯科举行的第五届论坛“印度 - 俄罗斯商务对话”。

活动是由印度工商联盟(IBA)在印度的大使馆和商务委员会与印度合作(VSSI)在RF CCI。

论坛嘉宾:Ajay Malhotra - 在俄罗斯联邦印度驻,Sergei Cheremin - 对外经济和国际关系莫斯科主管,Sergei Katyrin - 商会会长。



国际展览“世博2013律师” 从10月10日至13日在“索科尔尼基”举办的首个展览国际法“律师 - 博览2013”。 事件的业务计划包括在“一般法律服务,在俄罗斯发展”的会议,出席由律师事务所Hinkels Consulting公司的代表。 与从法律外包和建立伙伴关系法律实践中当前主题的同事沟通可以让我们了解在法律服务市场的情况,并寻找新的发展机遇。


法律部Hinkels Consulting 主管Dmitry Ivanov出席了与俄罗斯联邦移民局 主管Konstantin Romodanovsky 会议表示2013年7月3日举办的经理人协会(AMR)。


移民法的律师事务所 Hinkels Consulting的工作重点之一,...




该论坛的主要目的是展示在莫斯科和俄罗斯,公共项目的开发区域投资机会 - 私营伙伴关系。

本次论坛参加对我们来说是很重要的,因为Hinkels Consulting的主要焦点是跟踪在俄罗斯的外国投资。创建一个讨论的平台,...